Mean prediction interval - Single Point Task RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 - 2006-2020

RCP4.5 95% MPI RCP8.5 95% MPI
  • CNN-LSTM \(\pm 88.41 Wm^{-2}\)
  • GLM \(\pm 91.56 Wm^{-2}\)

Mean prediction interval under RCP4.5 forcing for selected models

  • CNN-LSTM \(\pm 87.44 Wm^{-2}\)
  • GLM \(\pm 95.99 Wm^{-2}\)

Mean prediction interval under RCP8.5 forcing for selected models

Creative Commons License
Downscaling Global Climate Models with Convolutional and Long-Short-Term Memory Networks for Solar Energy Applications by C.P. Davey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.