Downscaling models are subject to a “cascade of uncertainty” (Mitchel & Hulme, 1999). [1]

  • Unpredictability within climate systems and influence of human society.
  • Main downscaling approaches: Dynamical and Statistical (Wilby & Wigley, 1997). [2]

  • Dynamical - computationally demanding, regionally specific (initialisation parameterisation).
  • Statistical - assumptions, covariance, feature selection, site specific.
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    Deep Dive: Chapter 1.

    Conceptual Depiction of Downscaling

    Mitchell, T D and Hulme, M (1999 ). Predicting regional climate change: Living with uncertainty. Progress in Physical Geography. 23 57–78

    Wilby, R L and Wigley, T M L (1997 ). Downscaling general circulation model output: A review of methods and limitations. Progress in Physical Geography. 21 530–48

    Creative Commons License
    Downscaling Global Climate Models with Convolutional and Long-Short-Term Memory Networks for Solar Energy Applications by C.P. Davey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.