Libraries containing math related functions in scala. Provides probability distributions and related operations, for the purposes of my own studies.

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A library experimenting with statistics.

This library is a hobby project, and is only occasionally worked on. It serves several purposes for me.

Part of this is experimenting with library design, or to simply attempt an implementation of an algorithm in order to get to grips with the mechanics behind it. Alot of it is reading, reading other material, attempting to unravel and capture some form of it.

The library will change over time, and progress will be limited by other activities. This library is not intended as a stable production library, and is experimental in nature.


The documentation consists both of API documentation and some of this information is extracted into separate notes and examples.

Notes Regression.

Notes on Linear Regression

Notes on Logistic Regression

Notes on Bayesian Linear Regression

Notes on Bayesian Regression applied to estimation of Project durations

Notes on Neural Network Regression

Notes Inference.

Notes on ANOVA

Notes on MANOVA

Testing assumptions of Multivariate Normality

Multivariate Techniques.

Canonical Discriminant Analysis

Quadratic Discriminant Functions

Notes Sequential Learning.

Notes on Hidden Markov Model

Text Processing.

Notes on Singular Value Decomposition and Latent Semantic Indexing


Example mtcars Fuel Consumption