
Notes on the Hidden Markov Model

The HMM is calculated out of two processes, a forward and backward process. The model itself consists of two matrices and a prior matrix. A state transition matrix $A$ of $M \times M$ representing the likelihood of transitioning to state $X_{t+1}$ at time $t+1$ from the previous state $X_t$ at time $t$. The values $a_{ij}$ represent the transition from $X_t$ to $X_{t+1}$ hence $i = t$ and $j = t + 1$. The table forms the likelihood $P(X_{t+1}|X_t)$ such that $$ a_{ij} = P(x_j | x_i) $$ The second matrix $B$ represents a state evidence transition matrix. Given $M$ states there are $N$ evidence variables, hence $B$ is an $M \times N$ matrix where $$ b_{ij} = P(x_j | e_i) $$ Additionally there is a prior probability for each state $X$ provided by a vector $\pi$ of length $M$ where $$ \pi_i = P(x_i) $$ The Hidden Markov model comprises of $$ HMM = \lambda = (A, B, \pi) $$ The procedure of learning the hidden markov model is to seek to learn the posterior matrices for $B$ given an initial condition. This implementation addresses the discrete model, rather than the continuous model and seeks to learn the matrix $A$ relating state $X$ to the other states $x$ and the matrix $B$ relating the state $X$ to the evidence variable $e$ give the stream of previous events in time $1 : t$ it seeks to use the posterior model to predice the next state at time $t + k + 1$ and the prior states from the sequential model in time $t + k$. $$ P(X_{t+k+1}|e_{1:t}) = \sum_{x_t+k} P(X_{t+k+1}|x_{t+k})P(x_{t+k}|e_{1:t}) $$ Note that both $A$ and $B$ are as the likelihood model, and $\pi$ is initialised as the prior. This is estimated from the training data. The raw format of the training data is a jagged array which consists of a

Where the last item in the list represents a discrete state label for the domain. Each item preceding that represents a discrete token for an evidence label in the domain. So each row in the jagged array contains a variable sequence of evidence labels and terminates with a state label which is emitted by the sequence. Both the domain of evidence labels and state labels are deterministic in this model. For example, if we have a simple weather world and we observe two evidence variables:

        Umbrella, NoUmbrella
And we have two state variables,

We can describe a sequence that leads up to Raining as


We may potentially have a sequence that terminates in Sunny as

For example. The matrix $A$ is estimated by identifying the sequences of length $n$ and $n+1$ and then counting the frequency of the transition between $x_n$ and $x_{n+1}$. $$ a_{ij} = \frac{c_{ij}}{\sum_k c_{ik}} $$ The evidence matrix $B$ is estimated by identifying the frequency of $b_{m}$ terminating in $x_{n+1}$ for rows in the traning data $M$ and terminal states in $N$ lines ending in state $x_n$. $$ b_{ij} = \frac{ c(e_i, x_j) }{ \sum_k c(e_i, x_k) } $$ The class [[au.id.cxd.math.data.SequenceEstimation]] is used in this library to estimate these original likelihoods and the prior distribution for $X$. $$ \pi_i = \frac{c_i}{\sum_k c_{ik}} $$
The procedure for learning is performed using a "forward backward" algorithm, there are two stages. The backward variable represents the probability that the model is in state $x_i(t)$ at time $t$. A matrix $\beta$ is defined to store the transition model at time $t$ such that $$ \beta_i(t) = 0 \text{ if } x_i \ne x_0 \text{ and } t = T $$ $$ \beta_i(t) = 1 \text{ if } x_i = x_0 \text{ and } t = T $$ $$ \beta_i(t) = \sum_j^N a_{ij}b_j(e_{t+1})\beta_j(t + 1) \text{ otherwise } $$ this matrix represents the probability that the sequence of evidence variables seen up until time $T$ from $1:t \rightarrow T$ will generate the state $x_i$ $$ \beta_i(t) = P(e_{t+1}, e_{t+2}, ..., e_T | x_i, \lambda) $$ The second part of the algorithm is to compute the forward variable $\alpha$ a matrix that is defined to represent the probability that the model is in state $x_i$ given the sequence of evidence variables observed so far. $$ \alpha_j(t) = P(e_1, e_2, ..., e_t, x_i | \lambda) $$ it is defined as follows $$ \alpha_j(t) = 0 \text{ if } t = 0 \text{ and } x_j \ne x_0 $$ $$ \alpha_j(t) = 1 \text{ if } t = 0 \text{ and } x_j = x_0 $$ $$ \alpha_j(t) = \left[\sum_i^N \alpha_i(t-1)a_{ij}\right]b_j(e_t) \text{ otherwise } $$ as both are recursive procedures a dynamic programming technique is required to compute the values. The model for $A$ is iteratively updated for each transition at time $t$ and $t + 1$ by estimating the probability of transition from state $x_i$ to state $x_j$ at time $t$ and $t+1$ given the current model $\lambda$ and the set of evidence variables $V_{t+1} = e_1,e_2,e_3,...,e_{t+1}$ the new estimates are stored in a matrix $\epsilon$. The equation for $\epsilon_{ij}$ is given as: $$ \epsilon_{ij} = P(x_i(t), x_j(t+1)|V_{t+1}, \lambda) $$ $$ \frac{\alpha_i(t)b_j(e_{t+1})\beta_j(t+1)}{P(V_{t+1}|\lambda)} $$ $$ \frac{\alpha_i(t)b_j(e_{t+1})\beta_j(t+1)}{\sum_{i=1} \sum_{j=1} \alpha_i(t)a_{ij}b_j(e_{t+1})\beta_j(t+1)} $$ The expected number of times that state $x_i$ transitions to state $x_j$ is given by summing over the values of $\epsilon_{ij}$. $$ \gamma_i(t) = \sum_{j=1}^T \epsilon_t(i,j) $$ The total number of expected times a state $x_i$ is visited is given by summing over $\gamma_i$ for all time $T$. $$ \sum_{t=1}^T \gamma_i(t) $$ The matrix $A$ can be updated with the new estimates for the state transitions as follows: $$ \hat{a_{ij}} = \frac{\gamma_i(t)}{\sum_{i=1}^T \gamma_i(t)} $$ The matrix $B$ can be updated with new estimates for the evidence variables and states by calculating the ratio between the frequency that a particular evidence variable $e_k$ is produced and any evidence variable is produced. $$ \hat{b_{ij}} = \frac{\sum_{t=1,e_k} \gamma_k(t) }{\sum_{t=1} \gamma_i(t)} $$ The learing process repeats until convergence where the changes in the previous values of $a_{ij}$ and $b_{ij}$ decrease below a threshold $\theta$. When working with multiple sequences $B_k$ the sequences are assumed to be independent of each other and a normalisation factor is introduced in the estimate of $\hat{A}$. $$ c = \sum_{k=1}^K \frac{1}{P_k} $$ which is the marginal distribution of observation sequence k from the set of observation sequences $O = e_1,...,e_n$ for each of the sequences in the input sample b. Assuming independence $$ P(O|\lambda) = \prod_{k=1} P(O_k|\lambda) $$ The update rules for $\hat{A}$ and $\hat{B}$ are changed as follows. $$ \bar{a_{ij}} = \frac{c \sum_{t=1} \alpha_{k,i}(t)b_j(e_{k,t+1})\beta_{k,j}(t+1)}{c \sum_{t=1} \alpha_{k,i}(t)\beta_{k,i}(t+1)} $$ $$ \bar{b_{ij}} = \frac{c \sum_{t=1,e_j} \alpha_{k,i}(t)\beta_{k,ij}(t) }{c \sum_{k=1} \alpha_{k,i}(t)\beta_{k,i}(t) } $$ the summations above are from $t=1$ to $T-1$ in both numerator and denominator. __Example Usage__ The library is used in combination with the [[au.id.cxd.math.data.SequenceReader]] and [[au.id.cxd.math.data.SequenceEstimation]] classes the purpose of these classes are to read data from CSV and then generate the initial likelihood for matrices $A$, $B$ and the prior vector $\pi$. The test class "TestTrainRainModel" in the test cases for the project provides an example of the usage and the class TestRainExample provides an example of the data format. See also the example in TestTrainCtiModel for the use of CSV training data. The classes are used to create a [[au.id.cxd.math.model.entity.hmm.InputModel]] which contains the initialisation parameters and are fed to the hmm algorithm. Intiialising the model for example:

        val fileName = "data/example_train_data.csv"
        val file = new File(fileName)
        val reader = SequenceReader()
        // the data set (jagged array)
        val data = reader.readSequences(file)
        // unique set of states
        val states = reader.readStates (data)
        // the unique labels for evidence variables
        val evidenceVars = reader.readEvidenceVars (data)

After which the sequence estimator is used to generate the initial parameters of the model.

        val estimator = SequenceEstimation()

        val pi = estimator.statePriors(data)(states)

        val A = estimator.stateTransitions(data)(states)

        val Bk = estimator.avgPriorEvidences(data)(evidenceVars)(states)

        val input = InputModel(pi, A, List(Bk), states, evidenceVars)

The input model is then used to train the HMM

        val model = HiddenMarkovModel.train(input)(data)(0.00001)(50)
The parameters include the threshold for convergence and maximum iterations. Once trained the model can be used for prediction. The example below is from the "CTI" world where telephony events result in a call state. Refer also to the TestTrainRainModel for the weather world example.

        val test = List("Ringing(inbound)",

        val predict1 = HiddenMarkovModel.viterbiPredict (model) (test)

The string of events that are sent to the predict model do not include the end state. The prediction model will return a result for each evidence transition in the input chain. For example, from the input above, each step in the sequence above is categorised with a corresponding state label, and the probability of that state label.

        prob: 6.60507635396296E-44,
        state: OnCall
        evidence: Ringing(inbound)
        T: 1
        success: true
        }, {
        prob: 7.758309697332233E-70,
        state: Started
        evidence: UserEvent(Start)
        T: 2
        success: true
        }, {
        prob: 3.2302220856424765E-94,
        state: Paused
        evidence: UserEvent(Stop)
        T: 3
        success: true
        }, {
        prob: 1.6782307523456403E-112,
        state: OnCall
        evidence: OffHook
        T: 4
        success: true
        }, {
        prob: 1.1980508062616898E-131,
        state: OnCall
        evidence: Established
        T: 5
        success: true
        }, {
        prob: 1.0950613538482917E-145,
        state: OnHold
        evidence: Held
        T: 6
        success: true
        }, {
        prob: 1.0950613538482917E-145,
        state: Consult
        evidence: Dialing(Consult)
        T: 7
        success: true
For further reading refer to: