
Notes on Linear Regression

Least squares is a simpler form of regression approximating $Y$ as $$ \hat{Y} = \beta_0 + \sum X_i \beta_j $$ $$ \hat{Y} = X\beta $$ The parameter $\beta$ is estimated using the sample instances and the sample outputs as shown $$ \hat{\beta} = (X'X)^{-1}X'Y $$ $\hat{\beta}$ is assumed to have a normal distribution with mean $\beta$ and variance $Q \sigma^2$ where $Q = (X'X)^{-1}$. The residual squared error can be calculated as: $$ RSS(\beta) = \sum (Y_i - \hat{Y_i})^2 $$ The residuals $\epsilon$ are assumed distributed as $N(0,\sigma^2)$ Inference on $\beta$ can be performed using the standardised coefficient z-score for $\beta$. $$ z_j = \frac{\hat{\beta_j}}{\hat{\sigma}\sqrt{v_j}} $$ The value for $v_j$ is derived from the $jth$ position on diagonal from the matrix $(X'X)^{-1}$. The Z-score from the normal distribution at a corresponding alpha level can be used to form the associated confidence interval for $\beta$ at $p-value = z$ at the $1 - \alpha$ level . $$ \hat{\beta_j} \pm z^{(1-\alpha)} \sqrt{v} \hat{\sigma} $$ We can test against the null hypothesis that $\beta_j = 0$ and therefore the corresponding $X_{ij}$ does not contribute to the target variable (given the coefficient is 0). A t-distribution of N - p - 1 degrees of freedom can be used forming the confidence interval however as the sample size increases the difference between the t-distribution and normal distribution becomes negligable (see Hastie), so the normal distribution is used defining the confidence interval $$ \left(\beta_j - z_{1-\alpha}v^{1/2}\hat{\sigma}, \beta_j - z_{1-\alpha}v^{1/2}\hat{\sigma}\right) $$ at the critical $\alpha$ level for example 0.05 for a 95% confidence interval. Those values with a very small p-value would reject the null hypothesis or if $(|Z| > z_{1-\alpha})$. $$ H_0: \beta_j = 0 $$ $$ H_1: \beta_j != 0 $$ As $\beta$ defines the coefficients of the $pth$ attribute in $X$ it is possible to test whether the $kth$ coefficient can be set to $0$ (in which case the contribution of $X_k$ to estimating $Y$ is not significant) by using an F-score. Let $k_1$ equal the $k$ parameters and $k_0$ be the a smaller model where $k_1 - k_0$ parameters are set to $0$ the F-score can be calculated as $$ F = \frac{(RSS_0 - RSS_1)/(k_1 - k_0)}{RSS_1/(N - k_1 - 1)} $$ this statistic can be used to determine if the residual sum of squares error is changed significantly by setting the $k_1 - k_0$ parameters to 0. If the RSS decreases, and the F-score can be tested against a corresponding p-value for an associated $\alpha$ level to determine if the improvement is significant change. If so, the corresponding attributes contribution in determining $Y$ is marginal. For further details refer to

In this case the degree of the polynomial is supplied to the constructor and the input vector has features added for the degree of the polynomial during training and prediction.