The Bayesian linear regression for assumed uniform variance.
Bayesian Linear Regression extends the Ordinary Least Squares Regression by accounting for the uncertainty
about the parameters within the model to generate a posterior distribution for the parameters and a
posterior predictive distribution for the target variable. The bayesian regression model makes specific
assumptions about the location and variance parameters and about the distributions of each and provides
update rules for adjusting the model in light of new examples.
The method extends the standard linear regression where
p(Y|\beta,\sigma^2) \sim N(\mu = X\beta, \Sigma^{-1} = \sigma^2 I)
Box and Tiao show the distribution to be
p(Y|\beta,\sigma^2) = \left( \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} \right)^n \sigma^{-n} \exp{ \left[
-\frac{1}{2\sigma^2} \left[ vs^2 + (\beta - \hat{\beta})'X'X(\beta - \hat{\beta}) \right] \right] }
v = n - k
s^2 = (1/v)(Y - \hat{Y})'(Y-\hat{Y})
\hat{\beta} = (X'X)^{-1}X'Y
\hat{Y} = X\hat{\beta}
The uniform variance $\sigma^2$ estimates the error such that
p(\epsilon|\sigma^2) \sim N(0, \sigma^2 I)
The conditional distribution for $Y$ is expressed as
p(Y|\beta, \sigma^2, X) \sim N(X\beta, \sigma^2I)
The joint uninformative prior distribution for the parameters $\beta$ and $\sigma^2$ with uniform variance
is given as
p(\beta, \sigma^2 | X) \propto \sigma^{-2}
Posterior distribution for parameters
The posterior distribution of the parameters is defined as
p(\beta,\sigma^2|Y) \propto f(Y|\beta,\sigma^2) \times p(\beta,\sigma^2)
under uniform variance this is
\propto \sigma^{-(v+1)} \exp{ \left[ -\frac{1}{2\sigma^2} \left[vs^2 + (\beta -
\hat{\beta})'(X'X)(\beta - \hat{\beta}) \right] \right] }
Gelman demonstrates that the posterior factorises into
\propto \exp{ \left[ (\beta - \hat{\beta})'(X'X)(\beta - \hat{\beta}) \right] } \times \sigma^{-(v+1)} \exp{
\left[ \frac{vs^2}{2\sigma^2} \right]}
N \left(\hat{\beta}, \sigma^2(X'X)^{-1} \right) \times Inverse-\chi^2 (v,s^2)
Note that $X$ will have the constraint that the number of rows in $X$, $n$ will be greater than the number of
columns $k$ and that the columns of $X$ should be linearly independent.
Joint Posterior predictive distribution
The joint posterior predictive distribution for new examples $\tilde{Y}$ and $\tilde{X}$ is dependent on the
previous conditional distribution of the parameters and the
previous data $Y$ and $X$.
p(\tilde{Y}|\beta,\sigma^2,\tilde{X},Y,X) = f(\tilde{Y}|\beta,\sigma^2,\tilde{X}) \times p(\beta,\sigma^2|Y,X)
Consider that the conditional distribution of
p(\tilde{Y}|\beta,\sigma^2,\tilde{X},Y,X) \sim N(\tilde{X}\beta,\sigma^2 I)
Then the likelihood $\times$ the posterior distribution for the parameters is
\propto \sigma^{-n} \exp{ \left[ - \frac{1}{2\sigma^2}(\tilde{Y} - \tilde{X}\beta)'(\tilde{Y} -
\tilde{X}\beta) \right] } \times \sigma^{-(n+1)}\exp{\left[ -\frac{1}{2\sigma^2}(Y - X\beta)'(Y -
X\beta) \right] }
\propto \sigma^{-(n + \tilde{n} + 1)} \exp{\left[ -\frac{1}{2\sigma^2} \left( (\tilde{Y} -
\tilde{X}\beta)'(\tilde{Y} - \tilde{X}\beta) + (Y-X\beta)'(Y-X\beta) \right) \right]}
In order to obtain the marginal distribution of $\tilde{Y}$, Gelman uses two steps firstly by marginalising
$\beta$ and then by marginalising $\sigma$.
Using the conditional expectation $\beta$ the parameters for $\mu$ and $\sigma$ of the distribution for
$\tilde{Y}$ are derived as
E\left[\tilde{Y}|\sigma,Y\right] = E\left[ E\left[ \tilde{Y}|\beta,\sigma,Y\right]\right]
E\left[\tilde{Y}|\sigma,Y\right] = E\left[ \tilde{X} \beta | \sigma, Y \right]
\mu = \tilde{X} \hat{\beta}
And for the variance
Var\left[\tilde{Y}|\sigma,Y\right] = E\left[ Var\left[\tilde{Y}|\beta,\sigma,Y\right] \right] + Var\left[
E\left[\tilde{Y}|\beta,\sigma,Y\right] \right]
Var\left[\tilde{Y}|\sigma,Y\right] = E[\sigma^2I|\sigma,Y] + Var[\tilde{X}\beta|\sigma,Y]
Var\left[\tilde{Y}|\sigma,Y\right] = (I + \tilde{X}V_\beta\tilde{X}')\sigma^2
where $V_\beta = (X'X)^{-1}$
The posterior density conditioned on $\sigma$ is
p(\tilde{Y}|\sigma,Y\tilde{X},X) \sim N\left( \tilde{X}\hat{\beta}, (I + \tilde{X}V_\beta\tilde{X}')\sigma^2
The next step is to marginalise over $\sigma$ to obtain the predictive density.
p(\tilde{Y}|\tilde{X},Y,X) \propto \int p(\tilde{Y}|\sigma,\tilde{X},Y,X) \times p(\sigma|Y,X) d\sigma
p(\tilde{Y}|\tilde{X},Y,X) \propto \int \sigma^{-(n - k + 1)} \exp{\left[ \frac{\nu s^2}{2\sigma^2}
\right]} \times
(\sigma^2)^{-n/2}\left|I + \tilde{X}V\tilde{X}'\right|^{-n/2}\exp{\left[-\frac{1}{2\sigma^2}(\tilde{X}
- \tilde{X}\hat{\beta})'\left[I + \tilde{X}V\tilde{X}' \right]^{-1}(\tilde{X} - \tilde{X}\hat{\beta})
\right]} d\sigma
\propto \int \sigma^{-(n - k + 1)/2}\left|I + \tilde{X}V\tilde{X}'\right|^{-n/2} \exp{\left[
-\frac{1}{2\sigma^2}\left( \nu s^2 + (\tilde{X} - \tilde{X}\hat{\beta})'\left[I + \tilde{X}V\tilde{X}'
\right]^{-1}(\tilde{X} - \tilde{X}\hat{\beta}) \right) \right]} d\sigma
\propto \left|I + \tilde{X}V\tilde{X}'\right|^{-n/2} \int \sigma^{-(\nu + 1)/2}
\exp{\left[-\frac{1}{2\sigma^2}A \right]} d\sigma^2
Where $A = \left( \nu s^2 + (\tilde{X} - \tilde{X}\hat{\beta})'\left[I + \tilde{X}V\tilde{X}' \right]^{-1}(\tilde{X}
- \tilde{X}\hat{\beta}) \right)$ and we substitute $z = \frac{A}{2\sigma^2}$ as described in "Quadratic form
statistics" on wikipedia (see below) to produce
p(\tilde{Y}|Y,\tilde{X},X) \propto A^{-\frac{\nu + 1}{2}}\int z^{(\nu - 1)/2}\exp(-z)dz
which evaluates to
\left[ 1 + \frac{(\tilde{X} - \tilde{X}\hat{\beta})'\left[I + \tilde{X}V\tilde{X}' \right]^{-1}(\tilde{X} -
\tilde{X}\hat{\beta})}{\nu s^2} \right]^{-\frac{1}{2}(\nu + 1)}
which is a multivariate t-distribution centered at $\tilde{X}\hat{\beta}$ and scaled by
$[I+\tilde{X}V\tilde{X}'] s^2$ with $\nu = n - k$ degrees of freedom.
The posterior predictive density can be used to draw samples in performing simulation of the distribution of
Credible Intervals and Highest Posterior Density
Note that earlier the joint posterior distributions of the parameters were derived for $p(\beta|\sigma^2,Y,X)$
and $p(\sigma^2|Y,X)$.
Note also that once $\sigma^2$ is marginalised the posterior distribution for $p(\beta|Y,X)$ is
p(\beta|Y,X) \propto \left[ 1 + \frac{(\beta - \hat{\beta})'X'X(\beta-\hat{\beta})}{\nu s^2} \right] ^
{-\frac{1}{2}(\nu + k)}
which is a multivariate t-distribution centred at $\hat{\beta}$ and scaled by $X'Xs^2$ with $\nu = n - k$
degrees of freedom.
Using the posterior distributions it is possible to obtain credible intervals for the parameters and for the
distribution of the expected values of the target variable
at a given critical level $\alpha$.
The intervals of interest include credible intervals for the mean coefficient parameters $\beta$ under the
conditional distiribution $p(\beta|Y,X)$
and the credible intervals for the uniform variance $\sigma^2$ given $Y$, $p(\sigma^2|Y)$.
When seeking credible intervals for $\beta$ using the posterior multivariate t-distribution $p(\beta|Y,X)$ when
variance is assumed known we can make use of the
t values for the $1-\alpha$ level at $\nu = n - k$ degrees of freedom scaled by $(X'X)s^2$.
\hat{\beta} \pm t_{\nu,\alpha/2}\sqrt{(X'X)s^2}
Since $\sigma^2$ is takne to be of uniform variance it is taken as a univariate parameter. The credible
interval is for the univeriate $Inverse-\chi^2$ distribution with degree of freedom $\nu$ and scale $s^2$.
The distribution of $W = \frac{s^2}{\sigma^2}$ has the $\chi^2$ distribution of $\nu$ degrees of
freedom, the credible intervals are calculated by
inverting this quantity such that
P\left(u < \frac{s^2}{\sigma^2} < l\right) = 1 - \alpha
P \left(\frac{s^2}{l} < \sigma^2 < \frac{s^2}{u} \right) = 1 - \alpha
with $u$ for the upper and $l$ for the lower tail areas.
This can be expressed as
\sigma^2 \pm \frac{s^2}{\chi^2_{\nu,\alpha2}}
Highest Posterior Density
The credible interval is extended by the "Highest Posterior Density" (Box and Tiao) which proides a
representation of the contours of a multivariate distribution
at a number of significant levels for $1 - \alpha$. The highest posterior density is a useful tool for the
visualisation of credible regions of the parameter space and
for visual comparison of parameter estimates. The parameter space may be partitioned such that
\beta = \begin{bmatrix}
\beta_1 \\
\end{bmatrix} \begin{matrix}
r \\
k - r
\hat{\beta} = \begin{bmatrix}
\hat{\beta}_1 \\
\end{bmatrix} \begin{matrix}
r \\
k - r
X'X = \begin{bmatrix}
~ & r & k - r \\
r & X_1'X_1 & X_1'X_2 \\
k - r & X_2'X_1 & X_2'X_2
(X'X)^{-1} = C = \begin{bmatrix}
~ & r & k - r \\
r & C_{11} & C_{12} \\
k - r & C_{21} & C_{22}
where $r < k$. The subset $\theta_i$ has the property of being normally distributed
p(\theta_i|\sigma^2,Y,X) \sim N\left(\hat{\theta_i}, \sigma^2c_{ii}\right)
where $c_ii$ is the $ith$ diagonal element of $C$, and the conditional distribution of
$p(\theta_2|\theta_1,\sigma^2,Y,X)$ is normally distributed such that
p(\theta_2|\theta_1,\sigma^2,Y,X) \sim N\left(\hat{\theta_{2,1}}, \sigma^2(X_2'X)^{-1}\right)
where $\hat{\theta_{2,1}} = \hat{\theta_2} + (X_2'X_2)^{-1}X_2X_1(\theta_1 - \hat{\theta_1})$.
Once partitioned the regions of the highest posterior density can be computed for the parameters $\theta_1$ and
$\theta_2$ and charted for comparison.
Update Rules
The bayesian method allows the model to be adjusted in light of new observations by using the posterior
distribution as the prior distribution. This allows the parameters to be adjusted given new evidence. The
posterior distribution for the parameters factors into
p(\theta,\sigma^2|Y,X) \propto p(\theta|\sigma^2,Y,X) \times p(\sigma^2|Y,X)
p(\theta,\sigma^2|Y,X) \propto N\left(\hat{\beta},\sigma^2V_\beta\right) \times Inverse-\chi^2(\nu,s^2)
For the uniform variance it is possible to update first the distribution of $\sigma^2$ and then the
distribution of $\beta|\sigma^2$.
Since in the posterior distribution of $\sigma^2$ we have two parameters the degrees of freedom $\nu = n -
k$ and
the scale $s^2 = \frac{1}{\nu}(Y - X\hat{\beta})'(Y-X\hat{\beta})$.
When faced with a new set of evidence and observation variables $X_{new}$ with rank $k$ and $Y_{new}$ having
variance $\sigma^2$
we consider the distribution of the variance in the new data to also be the $Inverse-\chi^2$ distribution
with $n_{new} - k$ degrees of freedom
and scale $s'^2 = \frac{1}{n_{new} - k}(Y_{new} - X_{new}\hat{\beta})'(Y_{new} - X_{new}\hat{\beta})$.
As this is the conjugate prior the update rules (from Boltstad) are as follows.
s_{n}^2 = s^2 + \frac{1}{n_{new} - k}(Y_{new} - X_{new}\hat{\beta})'(Y_{new} - X_{new}\hat{\beta})
and the degree of freedom
\nu_{n} = \nu + (n_{new} - k)
This gives the updated distribution for $\sigma^2$ as $Inverse-\chi^2(\nu_{n}, s_{n}^2)$.
The normal distribution for $p(\theta|\sigma^2,Y,X)$ has the initial parameters
\mu_0 = \hat{\beta} = V_\beta X'y
\Lambda_0 = V_\beta
where $V_\beta = (X'X)^{-1}$.
When performing the update with the new data we consider the new data to be normally distributed with uniform
variance such that $p(\mu|\Sigma,Y_{new},X_{new}) \sim N\left(\mu,\Sigma/n_{new}\right)$.
The normal is the conjugate prior so that the update rules can be applied as follows
\Lambda_n = \Lambda_0^{-1} + \Sigma^{-1}
\mu_n = (\Lambda_0^{-1} + \Sigma^{-1})^{-1}(\Lambda_0^{-1}\mu_0 + \Sigma^{-1}\bar{Y}_{new})
where $\Sigma = (X_{new}'X_{new})$. The updated distribution for $\beta$ is
p(\beta|\sigma^2,Y_{new},Y,X_{new},X) \sim N\left(\mu_n, \sigma^2\Lambda_n\right)
The updated joint distribution becomes
p(\beta,\sigma^2|Y_{new},Y,X_{new},X) \propto N\left(\mu_n, \sigma^2\Lambda_n\right) \times Inverse-\chi^2(\nu_n,
For further details see:
Box George E P,Tiao George C, Bayesian Inference in Statistical Analysis. Wiley 1992.
Gelman Andrew, Carlin John B, Stern Hal S, Dunson David B, Vehtari Aki, Rubin Donald B, Bayesian Data
Analysis. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group 3rd edition, 2013
Bishop Christopher M. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Springer Science + Business Media
LLC 2006
Bolstad William M, Introduction to Bayesian Statistics. Wiley 2nd edition, 2007.
"Quadratic form (statistics)", Wikipedia 29th July 2015, 5 Nov 2015.