case classIndexedTextCsvReader(skipHeader: Boolean = true, idColumns: Seq[Int] = Seq[Int](), separators: Array[Char] = Array[Char]('\t', ',')) extends CsvReader with Product with Serializable
Read the CSV data and map identifier columns into a resulting map where
each row index of the Csv is returned for the corresponding set of identifier columns.
Read the CSV data and map identifier columns into a resulting map where
each row index of the Csv is returned for the corresponding set of identifier columns.
Note in the case where the idColumns is an empty sequence no row indexes will be returned.
Created by cd on 9/1/17.
Read the CSV data and map identifier columns into a resulting map where each row index of the Csv is returned for the corresponding set of identifier columns. Note in the case where the idColumns is an empty sequence no row indexes will be returned. Created by cd on 9/1/17.