Random deviate from the poisson distribution based on the GSL implementation. File poisson.c Line 26. gsl_ran_gamma
The poisson distribution has the form
p(n) = (mu^n / n!) exp(-mu)
for n = 0, 1, 2, ... . The method used here is the one from Knuth.
The implementation of gsl_ran_poisson is somewhat more concise than that given in the Numerical Recipes.
seminumerical algorithms knuth p137 "Numerical Distributions".
random draw from a distribution
draw n times.
an unbounded sequence of random draws
Random deviate from the poisson distribution based on the GSL implementation. File poisson.c Line 26. gsl_ran_gamma
The poisson distribution has the form
p(n) = (mu^n / n!) exp(-mu)
for n = 0, 1, 2, ... . The method used here is the one from Knuth.
The implementation of gsl_ran_poisson is somewhat more concise than that given in the Numerical Recipes.