calculate the correlation matrix of attribute to attribute (columns to columns) derived from the SVD decomposition $$ X = U\SigmaV' $$ The correlation matrix is approximated such that $$ X'X = V\Sigma^ V' $$
calculate the contribution of each singular vector to the whole entropy for each singular component calculated as
calculate the contribution of each singular vector to the whole entropy for each singular component calculated as
$$ f_k = s_k^2/\sum_{i=1}^r s_i^2 $$
vector f of values for contribution to entropy.
calculate the entropy for the entire data set.
calculate the entropy for the entire data set. Based on the singular components this gives a value between 0 and 1 which indicates the spread of variation within the singular components. If the entropy is close to 0 the spread of variation is explained by the first singular component if the entropy is close to 1 the spread of variation is almost uniform between all singular components.
approximate correlation matrix of object (rows) and attributes (columns) is derived from the SVD decomposition $$ X = U\SigmaV' $$ such that $$ XX' = U\Sigma^2U' $$ Where $\Sigma$ is the diagonal matrix of the singular values.
convert the singular values into a matrix
convert the singular values into a diagonal matrix where the values are the square root of the diagonal.